Bob Soler
Remembering a Life Well Lived in Jehovah's Service
"As for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah." - Joshua 24:15
"The New World to Come"
(Click controls below to view pictures with music)
Robert (Bob) W. Soler was born on September 26, 1944 to Victor and Antonia Soler in Queens, NY, U.S.A. Bob was the youngest of two, his older brother was Victor. Bob grew up in Queens and graduated from Newtown High School where he was affectionately known as “Cisco”.
Bob married the love of his life, Kathleen Moore, on November 20, 1965 and a short time later they were stationed in Torrejon AFB, Madrid, Spain where Rob was born. Two years later they were moved to Biloxi Mississippi, where Bob and Kathleen welcomed their daughter Tara into the world. The youngest of their three children, Jason, was born in Massachusetts. Bob and his "bride", as he always called Kathleen, were an inseparable team in their 55 years of marriage.
Bob was ordained as a minister and baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses on December 19, 1970. He came to be known as a hard-working father and husband, a zealous evangelizer and a loving shepherd. Nothing gave him more joy, however, than seeing their children and now their grandchildren, Conner, Kate, Gianna and Ty, faithfully serving Jehovah.
Bob’s spiritual qualities endeared him to Jehovah and those who knew him. His zeal, loyal love, humility and wisdom were evident in his work in the congregation, whatever that assignment may be. Bob loved the ministry and cared for the people he served, and they loved him too. Most of all, he loved Jehovah God and his son Jesus.
Bob died peacefully early on February 25, 2021 surrounded virtually and in person by his family after a battle with COVID-19. He died victorious.
At Luke 14:13,14 Jesus promised that if one showed generosity to those who “have nothing with which to repay (us),” we will be happy because we "will be repaid in the resurrection of the righteous.” Bob believed this promise of God's son with all his heart and he lived it.
That is why with confidence his family and friends look forward to the day very soon when Jehovah will resurrect Bob to life in an earth free from sickness, death, tears of sorrow and pain. Here he will enjoy endless life in God's new world soon to come. (Matt. 6:9,10; Acts 24:15)
Memorial Service Information March 6, 2021 4:00 PM EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 456 750 6279
Passcode: 1415
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Program Schedule
3:55 Slide program
3:59 Announcements
4:00 Opening Prayer – John Gianoulis
4:05 Memorial Talk - Ron Emerson
4:30 “Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence”
4:34 Closing Prayer - Eulah Coulter
4:35 Slide program
4:40 Family and Friend Meeting Rooms
(Click video below to see more family history)